Well the nokia 5800xm has reached the point of another hard reset. Web has died where it will not even load mobile versions of websites. There are two other browsers available such as BOLT or OPERA MINI but these either crash or are too cumbersome with a touch screen I am pondering the 3g iphone now it has grown up and will finally be able to do copy and paste, mms and sat nav later this year. But I will probably want to jailbreak and then it will be on ebay for sale. The N97 is due soon and whilst I like the form factor it still has the bad s60 browser. I will need to see the reviews before I jump as I am getting tiered of buying stuff that just doesn't work. There is windows mobile but there is not much to say on that The G1 or G2 but again lack of software or memory kills this for me. I have tried two devices but find it impractical and the n810 I have again has a bad web experience. Netbooks are too large to carry around all of the time to just get out and use. So I am on a fe...
A site about my experiences with the technology I encounter. All views and opinions expressed are my own.