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Showing posts with the label looking for work

For x = 1 to y do.....exit loop

Its 4am, I haven't really slept well due to my cold, man flu or whatever you so choose to call it. The strategy of the curry and whiskey only partially worked where I should have gone for the vindaloo. However I concede that it will go in its own time. I was thinking of what to write for my next blog article and I have a few ideas but this week is coming up to a special occasion. As of 29 March I will officially be unemployed for 6 months. Its amazing how quickly the time has flown and to think I have been looking for work for this amount of time. People I have spoken to who also left my last company have found work and some even had two jobs. It is difficult to gauge why I haven't. I have revised my CV which in itself is an ongoing project to try and reflect who am I and what I can do. I even paid someone to make it look professional but with no luck. I have applied for many jobs and had a few interviews where the last one concluded I was technical this time but too se...

How to Sell Me?

I have already mentioned I am still looking for work but am having no luck. All we hear in the news at the moment is not good and that it is getting harder each day to find work. Personally I am trying to maintain a positive attitude that eventually I will find something that I both enjoy doing and somewhere I want to work. Over the past few months I have mainly done my applications online gradually tweaking my cover letters and CV but no luck. I even paid a cv consultancy to make my cv represent me but still I have had no luck. When I used to work abroad as "IT Support" neither the title or the job description fitted each other. In essence my remit would be to catch a plane turn up at the premises and do whatever was required. This could mean desktop support, pc moves, server administration and upgrades to managing a networking cable infrastructure installation. As most of the overseas operations were small and finances restricted there was an ethos that if yo...