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For x = 1 to y do.....exit loop

Its 4am, I haven't really slept well due to my cold, man flu or whatever you so choose to call it. The strategy of the curry and whiskey only partially worked where I should have gone for the vindaloo. However I concede that it will go in its own time.

I was thinking of what to write for my next blog article and I have a few ideas but this week is coming up to a special occasion. As of 29 March I will officially be unemployed for 6 months. Its amazing how quickly the time has flown and to think I have been looking for work for this amount of time. People I have spoken to who also left my last company have found work and some even had two jobs.
It is difficult to gauge why I haven't. I have revised my CV which in itself is an ongoing project to try and reflect who am I and what I can do. I even paid someone to make it look professional but with no luck. I have applied for many jobs and had a few interviews where the last one concluded I was technical this time but too senior (not age) for the position. It scares people when they see someone who was paid well taking a huge pay cut in order to get into a company. They start asking questions like why are you taking such a cut? Will you cope financially? Whilst they do have a right to ask these questions it makes you feel a numpty. When I apply for a job I do so because I want to, I can do it and am aware of the financials and risk that go with taking a lower paid job.

In my last interview the role would have subsquently led to taking over the position of the person who was interviewing me. So you are interviewing someone you like, know they can do the job, will eventually have my job to allow me to move on within the company and I am getting more experience for my dollar. However I think you are too experienced. So whilst I am getting more value for my money I am not going too select you due to this.

So now I have had experience of both scenarios where I was not technical and now I am too experienced. I do hope the next interview will be successful and I can join the ranks of employment again.

So you may be asking why for x = 1 to y do......

You may have seen the film groundhog day where the same day keeps repeating and Bill Murray uses this time to learn new things such as play the piano. If I was to categorise the film I would use a repeat until loop as he as to keep doing things until he gets the girl. A while do version of this film would be, he has the girl but he needs to keep her and not lose her. A for loop version would be, he has to repeat something several times such as, he has the girl but he will only for a finite time, hence the count.

Since being out of work each day could have been categorised as a for loop as I was expecting to only be out of work for a finite moment in time, However, coming up to 6 months this project is over running and is slowly becoming a repeat until. That is, repeat whatever I am doing until I find work.

During this repeat until loop I am slowly extending the code to include new strategies to the various sub routines I call for example:


Goto procedure find work


Where the procedure find work is now including things such as revising the cv to make it more specific to the role and looking at retraining. At some point I would like to make it a bit more OO based to ensure flexibility in the future to cater for more events.

Whilst been off I have found it necessary to be busy to ensure my mind is active and I am not slumming it. Because the situation may be a longer than anticipated I am gearing myself up for this so have decided to sell my house and car with a view to reducing any risk in the future. Whilst this might be painful it necessary to cut my losses now and get over it so I can move on. They are only things and these can be bought again.

It reminds me of my time when I moved to Holland as I was working out in the german business. In the august I had got rid of my house, car and belongings so I could move overseas. I had already met someone over there and was looking to settle down (finally). However what I was not anticipating was the company was going to be closed and I had a choice to either stay put or move back. To aid with my repatriation back to the UK a role was found for me where for three months until the final move I travelled between germany, holland and the uk to sort out my affairs. The moral of this story is I have been here before where everything material has gone but it can be bought again. To put it another way it also gives me a chance to upgrade all of my gadgets again!

So, in a few hours I am back signing on where the the same questions are being asked - how is your job search? The advisors whilst courteous cannot really help but are there should I need it. I have already looked into retraining where I am interested in either lecturing or gardening (some will laugh at the latter) and have spoken to a teacher friend of where to find information.

For some, this time is painful especially when you do not know when the loop will end. To others they cannot be bothered and some remain optimistic. I am in both camps. As Bill Murray, whilst the general format could be the same I am using this opportunity to use the time constructively and complete all of the things I should have done.

Fortran 77 was funny language a bit like BASIC and modula 2. It could not handles loops well and rather than exit a loop naturally it would just force an exit. Currently, I am hoping that this situation will end soon, if it doesn't I am preparing for the long haul; if it does I will be exiting using this construct of the exit loop as soons as the right opportunity shows itself.


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