I have purchased three phones this year already a Nokia 5800, an E63 and recently upgraded to an E75. All of them have three different from factors, features but all run symbian s60. O2 my provider had already contacted me to advise me that I could upgrade but as I was in no rush I wanted to wait. I was toying with the idea of either the E71 or N97 and bought the E63 as a halfway gap to help me decide if I would like the form factor of the E71. When I originally saw the E61 I just laughed at the size of it which was probably hypocritical of me considering I had a Nokia 9500 and E90 before. However I braved my hypocrisy and got the E63. First impressions where good where I loved the thumboard and found I can use it either one or two handed for typing. The only real let down for me was the Nokia Maps software which didn't make use of the screen real estate. Therefore I was really close on getting an E71. When NokiaExperts on Twitter got hold of an E71x with S60v3.2 So I then want...
A site about my experiences with the technology I encounter. All views and opinions expressed are my own.